Sunday 6 September 2015

Caffeine Infused Week of Stress and Madness

With the start of Spring also comes the start of successfully going into my second week of being 19. Having survived the torturous journey of 18, I was expecting adulthood to be easier, or more tolerable in the very least. Why I ever thought that was going to be the case, I have no idea, but surely enough, it proved to be quite the opposite. As a first year university student who spent the previous week going out and celebrating by eating masses and masses of cake (no regrets), this week proved to be flooded with pools of tears and a sinking feeling of regret, mixed with traumatic stress.

Firstly, which genius thought it was a good idea to make three assessments due on the same day? Moreover, on a Monday? Whoever you are and wherever you are, I wish upon you great suffering and a plague of man-eating corn. My normal week is spent juggling work, studying, friends, family, food, food and some more food. This week, however, it was honestly nothing more than a slow, painful descent to hell. 

However, I still had an amazing time at work and got to go to Pacific Magazine, work with smoothfm 95.3 and worked alongside Jake Rich (2014 Big Brother Australia) and Samantha Jakubiak (2011 My Kitchen Rules Winner).

And of course I would never neglect my food duties to find and eat exquisite food. However, although this week has been hard, the weekend is always good and somehow forgiving, even if I did go to work on a Saturday (advice, don't go to work on two hours of sleep and many many cups of caffeinated drinks). 

All in all, I got my work done before the deadline and am still living, even though I had enough coffee and RedBull to probably last me a year. And of course, Happy Fathers' Day (because us Australians like to be funky and celebrate it on the first Sunday of September) to all the Fathers, Grandfathers and Carers who spend everyday of their life looking after an caring for us as fatherly figures. We don't say this enough, but we love you and are so grateful for eveything that you do for us because "one of the greatest titles in the world is parent, and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call mom and dad" (Jim Demint). 

Food Highlights

Breakfast at Decco Cafe
Eggs Florentine atop of spinach and toasted sourdough
The spinach to bread and egg ratio was a bit too much for my liking, however, the egg was poached to perfection.

Lemon meringue pie and a latte
Their lemon meringue pie is a bit sweet but honestly to die for. Their coffee is smooth and extremely well-made. Probably one of the best coffees I have ever had.

Selfie of the week


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